Saturday, January 23, 2010

Don't Know, Don't Know

Today I found out that the guy I'm seeing could fire me. I'm reconsidering this monogamy thing after all. His roommate today referred to him as "my man". It was kinda sweet. His new goggles remind me of a pack of crayons, in a cute way.

I don't know.

My Dad is probably moving back down the hill next month. I have no idea what I'm going to do, I'm pretty worried about it. I'm not sure if I can get/afford housing up here, and if I can, if I move out my parents told me that I wouldn't be welcome back. So... it's move back in with my parents down the hill or ski bum on a more permanent basis.

Not really a tough choice, is it?

Today was the best day of the month, I had first tracks down Red Square in knee-deep powder. Awesome. I felt so good earlier, but now I'm starting to feel pretty shit. Typical I guess.

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