Sunday, January 24, 2010

Deeeeeeeeep Day

Drunk. High. Watched the game.

Dear Stu: stoked for tuesday. Stoked for this weekend. I like you. Even though you are technically my boss. So it goes. Doesn't keep you from being really, really freaking hot.

We got about 24 inches of fresh snow today. Working outside for 8 hours kind of sucked. My hands were numb and cold for so long, when I warmed them up again inside, I cried it hurt so bad. Anybody who has ever been really cold knows what I'm talking about.

Dislocated my shoulder skiing today. Ouch. Popped it back in. Kept going. Went to work after.

Best day (snow-wise) of the season, to be honest.

So ready to move out. So ready.

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