Sunday, January 10, 2010

Deviant Behavior & Body Modification

"That's the conclusion of the latest research from a group of scholars at Texas Tech University that has spent much of the past decade studying the phenomenon of piercings and tattoos. The paper, just published in The Social Science Journal, suggests the relationship between body art and deviant behavior is significant only for those who have adorned their exteriors in extreme ways.

There's no doubt that body art has gone mainstream. Surveying 1,753 students from four American colleges — two state-supported public schools and two highly selective religious institutions — they found 37 percent reported at least one piercing and 14 percent were tattooed. Four percent reported having seven or more piercings, four or more tattoos, and/or at least one piercing in their nipples or genitals.

Aside from their use of the body as a canvas, the students were asked about various aspects of their behavior, including drug and alcohol use, sexual activity and whether they cheat on tests.

The findings revealed "sharp differences in the levels of deviant behavior among those with just one tattoo vs. those with four or more, and among those with just one to three piercings vs. those with seven or more," reports sociologist Jerome Koch, the paper's lead author. "The level of deviance reported by respondents with low levels of body art is much closer to those with none than to those with multiple tattoos and piercings, or intimate piercings."

"Results indicate that respondents with four or more tattoos, seven or more body piercings, or piercings located in their nipples or genitals, were substantially and significantly more likely to report regular marijuana use, occasional use of other drugs, and a history of being arrested for a crime," the paper continues. "Less pronounced, but still significant in many cases, was an increased propensity for those with higher incidence of body art to cheat on college work, binge drink and report having had multiple sex partners over the course of their lifetime."

Courtesy of Texas Tech.

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