Friday, December 11, 2009

Om Shanti Shanti Shakti

One of the things that sticks out from Seattle that I really miss is chanting in yoga class. I guess that probably seems pretty silly. I've never been a 'chanting kind of girl' either. I hate singing in church. I hate chiming in with the other 200 tone-deaf people, singing along with fake-happy smiles to words of the song we all read out of the little manuals, another mask to wear while we all really think about the laundry we forgot in the dryer or whether or not we remembered to close the garage door on our way out. I digress. But I loved chanting. I don't know what it meant and I couldn't pronounce it from the sanskrit spellings, so I'd just listen to the first verse and then join. It was like being part of one big thing, one big voice, with everyone breathing and thinking in unison, all our minds blank. After class, it was like waking up from a sweet dream. I miss that.

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