Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I've been thinking a lot over the past few days about communication and talking.

Anyway, what I've been thinking was the significance of non-concrete communication, things that have no basis in the historical timeline of what was said or done and so forth. Its interesting, to think about these transcendental moments, in which each person- regardless of what was actually said- innately understands and accepts the other. Its this closed loop, this connect, like a putting a plug in an electrical outlet.

This realization of the essential human-ness in the other.

Like, Oh. Thats what we're for.

That's what we do.


Its interesting how much or how little actual understanding has to do with words. My favorite analogy for dreaming actually comes from an old Navajo belief. Its basically that all people are like radios- we can broadcast or receive- and that when we go to sleep, by turning off our conscious mind, we become attuned to this. And our dreams are either ours that we are sending out, or others that we are receiving.

I really liked that idea.

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